Beauty Chats | Let's MakeYuUp
Recently skinChemists had the pleasure of talking beauty with the lovely Yu of ‘Let’s MakeYuUp’, a blog full to the brim of objective, informed and well-written beauty reviews. It’s a favourite read of ours, and having been around since 2010, Let’sMakeYuUp has a large and loyal following, too! Scroll down below for the inspiration behind Yu’s blog, skincare faves, and a heads up on Yu’s favourite meal in London…
What made you choose to include beauty in your writing?
At university, me and my friend Lisa used to raid Boots and slowly we discovered how picky I really am! Being a student, spending money on what's actually good became really important to me, and for that reason, I decided to share my thoughts on products in hopes that it'll help others make their decisions too!
Whose make- up artist would you borrow for life?
It's such a cliche, but I think I'd go with Lauren Conrad. I know nothing about the woman, but her make-up is always flawless! My go-to look is quite similar to hers, but somehow we don't look anything alike, hmm..
In your opinion, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?
Charlize Theron, absolutely! She's not cutesy or extremely glam - she's just a woman! And, she's gorgeous even without make-up. okay, "Monster" may be an exception.
What are your top 4 make up items?
Foundation is always a must, as is concealer! A flawless base is my biggest confidence booster. Otherwise, I think blush makes you look a little bit happier, and mascara is a must for defined eyes.
How important is skincare to you - what is your favourite part of your skincare routine? A lot of beauty bloggers start off with make-up, and soon realise how skincare is so central to beauty. So yes, it's really important! I definitely deliberate more about skincare products than I do about make-up. My favourite part of the skincare routine - it's a tough call between cleansing and serum. Cleansing after a long day can be so refreshing, but it can also be a bit of a chore when you just want to get to bed!
What are your top 4 skincare products?
I adore gel face washes - they do the job perfectly for me in terms of cleansing, refreshing and hydrating my skin. Exfoliators are always a must - I love cream-based ones with relatively smaller beads. They make a huge difference to how your skin glows and how your foundation sits! Serum is always a funny one, because my skin loves hydration and won't behave without it, so I love it when I find a great serum. Perhaps controversial, but the last one has to be a toner. People debate whether it's necessary but I think it can make either make or break your routine! A proper toner will not only get all the residue of make-up off, but it'll also hydrate your skin and make sure your serum can reach your skin properly and do its job.
What product would you LOVE to try?
I've spent years lemming over Chantecaille's Just Skin Tinted Moisturiser… it's just so pricey!
Best thing you've ever tasted?
This is so difficult! How many times have I said something was the best thing ever? Most recently, I had some beef fillet at a restaurant called The Bleeding Heart in London. It was simply divine. What's even better, was it had some creamy mushrooms and kale, which sound so basic - but it was amazing... *wipes drool*
Book that has changed your life?
I didn't realise it at the time, but there was something about the quote, "When we are young, still half-created, we believe that our dreams are our rights, that the world is disposed to act in our best interests and that falling and dying are for quitters. We live on the innocent and monstrous assurance that we alone, of all people born, have a special arrangement whereby we will be allowed to stay green forever" in Tobias Wolff's This Boy's Life that stuck to me back in high school. It's made me put a lot of what's not gone to plan in my life in context, and realise that everyone works hard to get where they want to be!
Tell us about what you're up to at the moment?
Drumroll please... exams! The library has become my second home and my skin is not liking being neglected!
Check out Let'sMakeYuUp for regular reviews of all-things beauty!