Half-Term Skincare?
Nobody said working from home was going to be easy, and half-term has been the cherry-on-top of my already sleep-deprived cake. With two young kids, a full-time job and a new makeshift-office in my living room, I’m finding out day by day the pleasures of February ‘work from home’ life.
Allow me to set the scene, my days are filled with making meals (some of them for me), ensuring a sibling-domestic doesn’t break out during one of my zoom-meetings and at the end of the day, hoping all members of the household (dog included) make their way into bed (preferably their own) before 10pm.
What hasn’t been so successful this month is keeping up with my usual skincare. I’m rolling into (and out of) bed tired and sometimes I can’t quite summon the passion for toning my face before slapping on some moisturiser. I’m now turning more and more to night products to pick up the slack from my, rather lacking, morning efforts. My favourite products at the moment are our sleep masks and night moisturisers because they require very little work from me (haha) and deliver results similar to that of someone with a 10-step nightly skin routine.
I know how hard it can be to take time out for yourself, that’s why I want to applaud all Mums who are juggling so much this month! As a token of our appreciation, we’re offering 10% off our Activated EGF Night Moisturiser with code: ZEGF10. Relax, unwind and let our skincare do the work for you!
- Rachael, London UK