Inside | Lauren's Make Up Bag
We all love to be a bit nosey around the sC offices, especially myself, and today is no exception! This particular "Inside...Make Up Bag" allows us to delve into the depths of our lovely Newcastle marketing girl's (Lauren's) make up bag. I always find it interesting to see what people carry around with them - are they like me? Do they carry around the whole of their house and the kitchen sink? Will their make up bag allow them to survive the apocalypse? What is it that different people deem to be essential in their everyday lives? Recently, Lauren has had a make up bag downsizing and general tidying-up episode, and today we show you exactly what survived the cull!
Of course our girl has some wonderful skinChemists products, and we shall start by looking at those!
skinChemists Lip Plump is actually one of the products that the girls (and a few boys) in the office carry around in their handbags and make up bags every single day. Both moisturising, and plumping, it really does make a difference to those lips - plus it has an instant gratification factor that some other products just don't give you. Plump, sexy lips in a few seconds! Why not check out what Charli from Secrets Behind the Closet Door had to say about it?
Our Nano Perfect is another one of our absolute essentials, and is a real multitasking gem of a product. It can be used as a primer and as a touch-up: you simply apply after liquid foundation but before powder by patting gently into the skin, allowing a more poreless, matte and perfected finish. Lauren's top tip with this product is to use it throughout the day instead of a primer - just apply some into the palms of your hands and pat softly onto the skin. This technique mattifies the skin and softens the look of the face.
Studio finish primer is just a heavenly product - soft on the skin and allows make-up to glide over it. Of course, like all skinChemists products, the skincare benefits are wonderful - Aloe and Silicones are combined to soothe the skin and provide a velvety look that the ladies at Warpaint Magazine love!
Last from the skinChemists batch we have Lauren's own version of the Under Eye Definer - we actually produce this in a click-style pen, but lucky Lauren has a pot of the stuff, all the way back from when the product was in development! Softening and light reflecting, the one shade is suitable for all skin tones for that fabulously wide-awake look.
Now let's move onto the rest of Lauren's essentials! Hand sanitiser is now an essential for most people, especially in this flu-ridden season, and Lauren's choice is Tommee Tippee's Closer to Nature Hand Serum - anti-bacterial and long-lasting it has seemed to be warding off the dreaded flu! Base-wise, she loves a little bit of Gosh's X-Ceptional Wear Foundation in Golden, and then bronzes herself up with Gosh's Precious Powder Pearls in Glow for radiant, glowy skin to beat the winter blues! Eye-wise, it's a mixture of Rimmel's Glam Eyes Day2Night - with two brushes, one for length and one for volume - and Bourjois' Queen Attitude Khol, for a sultry eye look. Lastly, a rose gold Collection nail polish for a bit of glamour, Oral B's Pro-Expert toothpaste for minty fresh breath, and a wonderful Chanel brush!
I hope you enjoyed a nosey into this make up bag - check back next week for another "Inside...Make Up Bag"
Much Love, Team sC