Introducing- Instant Eye Lift!!
Remember a couple of weeks back, when I said we at skinChemists were on a roll, bringing out new products galore- new ranges, new ingredients, new stuff everywhere? I’m here to introduce a doozy today- the newest member of the skinChemists family, Instant Eye Lift! It sounds like it’s been part of our range forever, right? Perfectly in keeping with the rest of our range, it sticks to what we get so right- effective ingredients and quick results.
It was my mission this week to give this Eye Lift a good testing and review it for all of you- tell you a bit about the key ingredients, how to apply it, who it’s best for…you know the drill ;)
I’m going to go out on a limb, guys, and declare- this stuff is beautiful.
For me personally- I’m prone to dark circles (mostly genetics- thanks mum, thanks dad), so I look for brightening and hydrating treatments to help my eyebags along. This product does one of those exceptionally well- thanks to the Magnesium Silicate, it’s a total brightening treat for your eyes, perks them up and smooths them over, so it’s a brilliant base for makeup.
The first hurdle, though, is getting the product out of the packaging (it took me a good couple of minutes of twisting, pulling and general clumsiness to clue on)- pop the little white nub off, twist the top of the syringe counter-clockwise and squeeze.
Once dispensed, the serum is light in texture and silky- it glides over the eye area- so dreamy. Glide a teeny tiny amount in the general eye vicinity, and take heed of the packet directions- make sure to let the eyebag shrinking serum work its magic for a good five minutes. The result is not as striking if you don’t wait it out- be patient, children.
It’s a brightening, de-puffing serum on supercharge- jaw-droppingly effective on truly puffy eyebags, but brightening and smoothing on general darkness, this is a product that no one ever realised before was a total essential. It’s on special introductory offer for £29.99 from topday until next week- get in quick!!